4 In 1 Cooking Fun Kid\'s Toys

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Your baby is already from birth ready for communication, interaction and play.
The love and care that you give your baby in the first months of his life is extremely necessary for his social, mental and physical development, moreover, the 4 In 1 Cooking Fun Kid\'s Toys y bring joy to both of you.
While playing, children discover and develop certain skills and abilities, get an idea of ​​the world around them and learn new things.
It's never too early to start playing with your child!
From the moment of birth, the baby can already turn the head, hearing the voice of the mother, familiar to him from the time when he was inside. He can recognize familiar music, for example, a melody that sounds in your favorite TV series. Newborns peer into the faces of people, even one day is enough for the baby to learn to recognize the face of the mother and distinguish the mother from strangers. More surprisingly, if you stick out your tongue at a newly born baby, he will most likely repeat this action after you, sticking out his tongue in response. This will be the first game in his life. Remember that even the smallest children love communication. Copy the gestures and facial expressions of the baby, speak with him in his language.
Despite the fact that children at an early age cannot yet reach the toy and take it in their hands on their own, they like to watch you wiggle a toy bear or a rattle by his bed, entertaining him. But do not forget that now the child needs a lot of sleep, he gets tired easily. Watch your baby's behavior carefully so as not to overwork him. If the child starts to look around or is naughty after a few minutes of play, give him a rest.
Your baby can now reach, grab and hold various objects in the pen. The child becomes mobile, he learns to crawl and sit down. To help your baby get to know his own body better, play games with him, for example: lift him above his head, tickle his tummy, kiss his fingers on the arms, slightly pinch his heels. Toddlers love to be naked, for example, after bathing. Give the baby a towel, the way he will play with him while you massage him.



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