Rebero house for sale

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I want to sell a house, where 2/3 of the shares are mine, and 1/3 are my son. With these funds, purchase a plot and build a prefabricated house in another area of ​​the region. The guardianship refused to give me permission for such a transaction. Tell me, what way can I find out of this situation? What are the options?
1. Find money and buy what you need.
2. "Set up" some apartment (usually someone's relative) in order to pass guardianship.
3. If the guardianship misses - put the money from the sale to the child's account.
4. Try to convince the guardianship that the property rights of the minor will only improve as a result of the transaction.
.... custody is a terrible beast ... everywhere. Rebero house for sale 
Thank you for your advice. I have a difficult situation, there is not enough money to buy a similar housing in another area, so I decided to build it, then I will “keep within”. We have no relatives here. So I am racking my brains how to find a way out of this situation.
A loan? .. to wait until the age of majority? ... if you need to go, but there are no other options - rent a house and rent in a new place? ..
Release a share from a minor-exchange, for example with parents
Vladimir Yakovlev
November 29, 2013 2:14 am
As an option, agree with the guardianship and put the money from the sale of the child's share on a deposit in his name, and then use this money for new construction, with the permission of the guardianship authorities, and give the child's share in the built house ...
You can't do anything without an order from the guardianship department.
If the guardianship is against, then you will not do anything, try another option to find a ready-made inexpensive house


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