Solar System For Your Ordinary Home House

Often, messages about the fight for the environment, the development of alternative energy sources slip through the network. Sometimes they even report how a solar power plant was made in an abandoned village so that local residents could enjoy the benefits of civilization not two or three hours a day while the generator is running, but constantly. But this is all somehow far from our life, so I decided to show and tell by my example how a solar power plant for a private house is arranged and how it works. I will tell you about all the stages: from the idea to the inclusion of all devices, as well as share the operating experience. The article will turn out to be rather big, so those who don't like a lot of letters can watch the video. There I tried to tell the same thing, but it will be seen how I collect all this myself. Initial data: a private house with an area of ​​about 200 m² is connected to the electricity grid. Three-phase input, with a total power of 15 kW. The house has a standard set of electrical appliances: refrigerator, TVs, computers, washing machines and dishwashers, an Solar System For Your Ordinary Home House d so on. The power grid is not stable: the record I have recorded is a shutdown for six days in a row for a period of two to eight hours. What you want to get: forget about power outages and use electricity no matter what. What bonuses can there be: to use the energy of the sun as much as possible, so that the house is fed with solar energy as a priority, and the deficiency is taken from the network. As a bonus, after the adoption of the law on the sale of electricity to the grid by individuals, begin to compensate for part of their costs by selling surplus generation to the general grid. There are always at least two ways to solve any problem: study yourself or entrust the solution of the problem to someone else. The first option involves studying theoretical materials, reading forums, communicating with the owners of solar power plants, fighting internally a toad and, finally, buying equipment, and then installing. The second option is to call a specialized company, where they will ask many questions, select and sell the necessary equipment, or they can install it for some money. I decided to combine these two methods. Partly because I'm interested in this, and partly in order not to run into sellers who just need to make money by selling not quite what I need. Now it's time for theory to understand how I made the choice. The photo shows an example of "using" money for the construction of a solar power plant. Please note that solar panels are installed behind a tree - so no light falls on them, and they simply do not work. I note right away that I will not be talking about industrial solutions and not about super-powerful systems, but about an ordinary consumer solar power plant for a small house. I'm not an oligarch to waste money, but I adhere to the principle of reasonableness. That is, I don’t want to heat the pool with “solar” electricity or charge an electric car, which I don’t have, but I want all the devices in my house to work all the time, without looking back at the power grid. Now I'll tell you about the types of solar power plants for a private house. By and large, there are only three of them, but there are variations. I will rank according to the growth in the cost of each system. On-grid solar power plant - this type of power plant combines low cost and maximum ease of use. Consists of only two elements: solar panels and a grid inverter. Electricity from solar panels is directly converted to 220V or 380V in the home and consumed by home power systems.


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