Subaru Forester 2004 Automatic Black

Review of the car owner Subaru Forester 2004 Review of Subaru Forester 2004 2.0XT (turbo) automatic Mileage 160,000 km. Now there are many such machines in the secondary market, and I was one of the first. Therefore, I will try to write about it in detail in order to help potential buyers. The actual purchase of the car took place almost by accident. My wife and I chose a "family" car with the prospect of driving comfortably over long distances (mother-in-law lives in Crimea). After a fairly large inspection, one day they had to go to take a Toyota Camry 2.4 of the same 2004 year. However, in the morning I came across an advertisement for the sale of Forika for the same price. I remembered how much pleasure I once got from driving a service Impreza and decided to stop by to see it. Himself never on Forike before, not only did not go, but did not even sit. The wife was skeptical, since she really liked the Kamrya. But let's go ... What surprised me right away was a very solid and comfortable interior. Leather, a lot of light, a huge sunroof, a cool steering wh Subaru Forester 2004 Automatic Black eel, climate control, heated seats, room for passengers (not a limousine, of course, but in normal situations it is enough) and the possibility of transforming the interior - against the background of a simple exterior design, they were a revelation. The skepticism of his wife gradually gave way to interest. Therefore, we went for a ride. Here the second discovery awaited - smoothness of the course. Against the backdrop of the X-trail or Grand Vitara - almost sedan comfort. But! If in the Camry the suspension was, in my opinion, soft for our roads (which was a negative factor for us - it made the child rocked), then there was the necessary balance. Initially confused by the machine - before that, my wife and I drove a mechanic. But taking into account the fact that I was not going to the dense forests, they decided to let it be. The decisive factor in the purchase was, oddly enough, the fact that his wife sat behind the wheel. "It's so convenient for me here!" ... In general, the next day they made a purchase. . What I did with it during the operation - changed the oil. Engine. Much has been written about them. Therefore, about personal experience of operation: consumption during normal driving in the city - 11.5 liters, dynamic - 13 liters, sports mode and slippers on the floor - 18 liters. On the highway up to 130 km / h - 9.5 liters., Over 160 km / h - 11 liters. It seems like a lot, but do not forget that there is a four-wheel drive and under 200 horses. Surprisingly weaker Honda siervi among friends eats more in normal modes (and the concept of "sport" simply does not combine with it). And as experience has shown - from those declared in many cars in the price list "8l per 100 km" to real 12-13l in life, you almost always reach. The maximum speed I developed on the highway is 198 km / h. This is more than the declared parameter in the performance characteristics, but the error of the speedometer is possible (although the jeepies confirmed it). Oil consumption is stable 1.5-2l. 10,000 km (from replacement to replacement). If you drive on a turbine, then you need to monitor and top up, but I did not notice a sharp increase in consumption. When you start the car, the boxer rattles, but after a minute everything is back to normal. This is their feature. Recently I was at the service, after running 160,000 km. and everything seems to be normal. Features - very picky about high-quality gasoline. You can feel the difference right away. I fill the 95th myself at OKKO. About the dynamics - they were detected by a stopwatch for the sake of interest - up to hundreds of 7.8 seconds, and after replacing the catalyst (see below) - 7.5 seconds. In short, there is enough "foolishness". In my opinion, even now there are few crossovers with such indicators, and those that exist cost over 40 thousand tanks. What I did with the engine during operation - I replaced the spark plugs and one of the ignition coils (there are two of them). In principle, the coil was still alive (at 145,000 km), but occasionally it malfunctioned. I don’t remember how much my dear new cost, but I remember that it was at the level of consumables, so I changed it without hesitation. Also at the service (discussed only at the official, but our people are our people), the men advised to remove the catalyst. At first he refused, but then he studied the issue on the internet and made this little hara-kiri.


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