Toyota Camry 2013 Beige

Review of the car owner Toyota Camry 2013 Sonar round, camera, fish soup with repeaters Good afternoon, I'm ready to share my experience in buying and operating a Camrika 50 body. By tradition, I will say that I had a lot of cars, all foreign cars. Mostly Japanese, but there was also a Korean Santa Fe. In half of the cases, he gave preference to diesel vehicles, grabbed all the delights and problems of their operation in Russia, sold, bought gasoline, and then diesel again. My last machine is a diesel Santa Fe, an absolutely wonderful car, with one exception - the slightest problem in CRDi put any master to a complete dead end, even from an authorized dealer. No, you don’t understand - the car is not bad, cheap to operate and reliable, but for some reason everyone is afraid to touch it like fire. For this reason, at the first signs of the engine blues (and this is no less than 250 thousand mileage), the device was sold. The purpose of the purchase was a certain potential car, with three requirements: new, gasoline, within 1 million rubles. I chose the car slowly, for 2 months. Tog Toyota Camry 2013 Beige ether with his wife, they went around all the salons in Khabarovsk - they tested all cars worth from 800 thousand to 1300 thousand rupees. What is remembered: 1. MMS-Outlander. Created the impression of a reliable and functional car. Confused by the lack of comfort in the cabin. It looks like it's empty, uncomfortable seats, too simple a panel, completely cheap interior and trunk trim. I did not like the control, on every bump, the steering wheel dangles in different directions along with the driver's body, I had to constantly hold it (very soft electric power steering settings). 2. Mazda CX-5, I liked it, I was not even embarrassed by the unregulated, not very comfortable back seat. Interesting ergonomics, nice look. But! The new engine - in fact, GDI traditionally scares, given the quality of the fuel and climatic conditions. Finished off the lack of credit promotion programs. Accordingly, the price of the loan. 3. KIA - Sportage, very much surprised. Handsome from the outside, turned out to be a plastic balalaika from the inside, lack of a side view due to wide racks expanding downward. 4. KIA - Ceed'SW - I really liked the little car, the quality of finishing, convenience, the number of options, but the loss in price confused me. I feel there will be problems with further implementation. 5. Different products from Ford and Volkswagen, despite the real quality of finishing, innovation, excellent driving performance, were rejected due to the presence of turbines and low-power GDI engines. I can hardly imagine how a low-power direct injection engine works for wear under the pressure of the turbine, and this is with the quality of our fuel and operating conditions. Known problems with warming up in winter, loss of price in our region during resale. DSG traditionally caused some doubts. 6. American Camry 2012 with a range of 2-3 thousand km brought from Korea, in the maximum configuration XLE. In reality, the price is cheaper than the Russian analogue in terms of configuration. For some reason, there is now a large offer of just such cars in the Far East. They differ from their Russian counterparts - in optics and bumpers, the Americans have 178 hp. ours have 181. Comparing the configuration, we can say that the Russian Prestige will be more interesting. The Americans have a hatch (something we don’t have), it’s not clear why the trunk opening handle from the trunk itself (antimafia))), and that's it. The Russians have a control panel in the armrest of the rear sofa, heated rear seats, adjustable rear seats. Everything else is the same. Design, controversial topic. Someone nods at the Americans, but I myself have personally read the review of an American who writes that they have a design shit, but in Europe it is good. I was thinking about buying amerikos, but I really didn’t like the Korean characters on the monitor screen, as it turns out they were not amenable to firmware (only to buy an analogue of the GU, and without the functions of controlling the auto settings). Plus, for the life of me I don't understand what kind of mileage it is for several thousand by car. In short, I was led to the Russian language, the film on the seats, the guarantee, the smell of the new salon and the pleasure of leaving the salon on my own, new device. As a result, the Camry and the new RAV4 reached the final. The advantages of the Camry - comfort, a new en


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